No Žaibas Basketball Practice
No Žaibas Basketball Practice
The NEO Sports Plant is installing new flooring for the basketball courts. The work is still in progress and the courts can not be used yet. Watch the Calendar for the next practice.
The NEO Sports Plant is installing new flooring for the basketball courts. The work is still in progress and the courts can not be used yet. Watch the Calendar for the next practice.
Žaibas Juniors basketball program is holding basketball skill practice every Sunday, 10am-11am at NEO Sports Plant. This program will run thru the Fall to work on skills in preparation for a ŠALFASS Tournament May 17th-18th in Detroit, MI. We are starting with youth ages 5 on up so join us for some fun. If you…
Žaibas Juniors basketball program is holding basketball skill practice every Sunday at NEO Sports Plant. This program will work on skills in preparation for a ŠALFASS Tournament May 17th-18th in Detroit, MI. We are starting with youth ages 5 on up so join us for some fun. If you are interested in coaching please join…