Lithuanian Mass

St. Casimir 18022 Neff Road, Cleveland, OH, United States

Additional information regarding Parish activities available on their website:

Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Center For Pastoral Leadership 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, United States

Rehearsals are held on Thursdays. This rehearsal will be held at the Center for Pastoral Leadership - Borromeo Seminary - Founders Bldg. Directions to this location on the Center for Pastoral Leadership campus: When you arrive at CPL and see the main entrance in front of you (Euclid Ave. will be behind you, Bishop Rd…

Lithuanian Mass

St. Casimir 18022 Neff Road, Cleveland, OH, United States

Additional information regarding Parish activities available on their website:

Lithuanian Pensioners Luncheon

Lithuanian Club - Gintaras Dining Room 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Scheduled meeting and luncheon of the Lithuanian Pensioners Group. All pensioners and interested parties are invited to attend. Luncheons are held on the first Thursday of the month.