Židinys Meeting

Lithuanian Club - Gintaras Dining Room 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Club - Amber Ballroom (upstairs) 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Rehearsals are held on Thursdays.

Puppetry Performance – Lithuanian School Fundraiser

Treelawn Music Hall 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH, United States

Puppetry Performance Titled: "Lėlė, kuri didžiuojasi, kad turi Ė" / "The puppet who is proud of the letter Ė" This will be an interactive performance by the Kaunas Puppet Theater…


Žaibas – First Basketball Practice

NEO Sports Plant 20001 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, OH, United States

Žaibas Juniors is re-starting their  basketball program starting Sunday October 20th, 10am-11am at NEO Sports Plant. This program will run every Sunday thru the Fall to work on skills in preparation for a ŠALFASS Tournament May 17th-18th in Detroit, MI. We are starting with youth ages 5 on up so join us for some fun.…