Road to Vietnam Presentation
Road to Vietnam Presentation
Road to Vietnam by Rimvydas Cepulis Discussion & presentation Hosted by Skautai Akademikai
Road to Vietnam by Rimvydas Cepulis Discussion & presentation Hosted by Skautai Akademikai
V-16 (Lithuanian Independence Day) Concert 7 pm Upstairs Amber Ballroom Featuring Steponas Januška Tickets $20
Sunday February 16 - 1:30 pm Lithuanian Independence Day Special Movie Showing: “Nematomas Frontas “ Gintaras Dining Room
Come to the Latvian Hall in Lakewood to see the Carion Wind Quintet. "The prize-winning Danish-Latvian ensemble brings truly unique and innovative chamber music experience to audiences. CARION fascinates with it’s carefully choreographed and dramatized performances of classical and modern works, making music on stage visible, thus adding a new dimension to traditional concert events."…
Cleveland Cavaliers VS Indianapolis Pacers Lower Bowl - Special Section Using paypal account, tickets are $45 - sent to If not using paypal, tickets are $49 to cover processing fee All purchasing tickets through Zaibas. All attendees will receive a commemorative Lithuanian/Cavs scarf & t-shirt, special pregame warm-up seats on the floor All attending…