Cancelled – Presentation: Patterned Evidence – Forensic Lab

Lithuanian Club - Gintaras Dining Room 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

This presentation is cancelled due to travel issues for Mr. Strupaitis.   Presented by Petras Strupaitis (expert court witness) A presentation about what goes on in a forensic laboratory. Topics will include documentation, fingerprinting, and weapons. Presentation will be in English.   Organized by the Lithuanian American Community – Bendruomenė. Call 216-650-8263 for more details.

Vasario 16 – February 16, Lithuanian Independence Commemoration

Lithuanian Club - Amber Ballroom (upstairs) 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

10:45 AM: Flag raising at the St. Casimir Neff Rd monument. 11:00 AM  Mass at Saint Casimir Church. 1:30 PM Commemoration at the Lithuanian Community Center Featuring: Lithuanian Independence Day Commemoration Performances by the Lithuanian School students and the Švyturys Youth Folk Dancers.

Cleveland Lithuanian Bendruomenė Meeting – All Organizations

Lithuanian Club - Gintaras Dining Room 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Meeting of the Cleveland Lithuanian American Community - Bendruomenė Representatives from all Cleveland Lithuanian organizations are invited. This is a planning meet to set an agenda for the upcoming year.

Leadership Course – Lyderių Kursai

St Anthony Center 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, United States

Learn leadership skills, explore your capabilities and interests. Course will be held in the St. Anthony Center at Borromeo Seminary. Click here to see the event details. Course will be held in the Lithuanian language. For questions or more details contact: