Cancelled – Presentation: Patterned Evidence – Forensic Lab

Lithuanian Club - Gintaras Dining Room 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

This presentation is cancelled due to travel issues for Mr. Strupaitis.   Presented by Petras Strupaitis (expert court witness) A presentation about what goes on in a forensic laboratory. Topics will include documentation, fingerprinting, and weapons. Presentation will be in English.   Organized by the Lithuanian American Community – Bendruomenė. Call 216-650-8263 for more details.

Vasario 16 – February 16, Lithuanian Independence Commemoration

Lithuanian Club - Amber Ballroom (upstairs) 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

10:45 AM: Flag raising at the St. Casimir Neff Rd monument. 11:00 AM  Mass at Saint Casimir Church. 1:30 PM Commemoration at the Lithuanian Community Center Featuring: Lithuanian Independence Day Commemoration Performances by the Lithuanian School students and the Švyturys Youth Folk Dancers.

Cleveland Lithuanian Bendruomenė Meeting – All Organizations

Lithuanian Club - Gintaras Dining Room 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Meeting of the Cleveland Lithuanian American Community - Bendruomenė Representatives from all Cleveland Lithuanian organizations are invited. This is a planning meet to set an agenda for the upcoming year.