Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Community Center 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

New members interested in a musically and socially enriching experience, please email Rita Kliorys to register: rita@exultate.us

Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Club - Amber Ballroom (upstairs) 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Rehearsals are held on Thursdays.

Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Club - Amber Ballroom (upstairs) 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Rehearsals are held on Thursdays.

Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Club - Amber Ballroom (upstairs) 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Rehearsals are held on Thursdays.

Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Club - Amber Ballroom (upstairs) 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Rehearsals are held on Thursdays.

Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Club - Amber Ballroom (upstairs) 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Rehearsals are held on Thursdays.