DakhaBrakha – Ukrainian Music Ensemble

Music Box Supper Club 1148 Main Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio

DakhaBrakha — is a world-music quartet from Kyiv, Ukraine. Reflecting fundamental elements of sound and soul, Ukrainian «ethnic chaos» band DakhaBrakha, create a world of unexpected new music. The name…

Laužas – Bonfire, Singing, Music, Socializing

Degutis Pavilion 26375 White Road, Richmond Heights, Ohio

Padainuosim - Let's Sing Bonfire at the Degutis Pavilion Potluck. Bring a dish or favorite snack. Bring your own drinks. Come socialize and sing. Hosted by Rūta Degutis and Jonas…

Holy Name Society – Annual Picnic

East Shore Park Club 17213 Dorchester Dr., Cleveland, OH, United States

Hot dogs, burgers, snacks, soft drinks. Meet fellow parishioners and learn about activities of the Holy Name Society.
