Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Community Center 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

New members interested in a musically and socially enriching experience, please email Rita Kliorys to register: rita@exultate.us

Žaibas Juniors Basketball Practice

NEO Sports Plant 20001 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, OH, United States

WHAT: Zaibas Juniors Workout this Sunday!!! WHO: Boys/Girls born 2010-2016 ---(7-13 year olds) WHEN: Every Sunday 10am - 11am WHERE: NEO Sports Plant -  20001 Euclid Ave, Euclid, OH, 44117…

St Casimir Parish Mass

Additional information regarding Parish activities available on their website: http://www.saintcasimirparish.org/

Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Community Center 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

New members interested in a musically and socially enriching experience, please email Rita Kliorys to register: rita@exultate.us

Kaziuko Mugė – Saint Casimir’s Fair

Lithuanian Community Center 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Folk arts and crafts fair. Mass, 11 AM, at St. Casimir Church before the fair.