Kaziuko Mugė – Saint Casimir’s Fair

Lithuanian Community Center 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Folk arts and crafts fair. Mass, 11 AM, at St. Casimir Church before the fair.

Žaibas Juniors Basketball Practice

NEO Sports Plant 20001 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, OH, United States

WHAT: Zaibas Juniors Workout this Sunday!!! WHO: Boys/Girls born 2010-2016 ---(7-13 year olds) WHEN: Every Sunday 10am - 11am WHERE: NEO Sports Plant -  20001 Euclid Ave, Euclid, OH, 44117…

Exultate Choir Rehearsal

Lithuanian Community Center 877 E. 185th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

New members interested in a musically and socially enriching experience, please email Rita Kliorys to register: rita@exultate.us